Thursday, September 10, 2009

Secrets to Losing Belly Fat - how it got there and how to get rid of it and keep it off!

This is the first of a series of blog entries that will concentrate on belly fat and how to lose it.   This is an area I personally have been working on for quite a while.   I've dropped over 12 kgs in weight, which I'm really pleased about (as I HAD to) and I can share some of those tips with you - but now my personal issue is firming up around the middle and losing the last little roll of annoying fat.

It's a really important subject for me because as I work as a Style and Wellness Coach, I need to be able to show my wonderful 50+ aged clientele that they not only can learn how to put a great wardrobe together but I can show them how to wear it with pride and feel confident they really do look great.    A 40, 50 or 60+ woman really can be fit, strong, youthful and attractive.

Why?   Because everyone wants to be employable, noticed, remembered, memorable, inspiring, attractive, empowered and empowering.

So fellas, I'm talking to you here too!

But first, my acknowledgements.

I'm working closely with my coach, Dr Rhonda Anderson of    She has qualifications as long as her arm, has inspired me to be the best I can and so I'll share some of my knowledge and learnings from her.    She's open to queries should you wish to talk to her about personal fitness coaching.   I'll also share with you some of the material I'm learning through my qualification as a Nutritionist, the Naturopaths and Clinical Nutritionists I currently work with as an associate for Usana Health Sciences and the many books from doctors I've learned so much from over the last number of years namely Dr Ray Strand, Dr Myron Wentz, Dr Ross Walker, Dr Mehmet Oz, Drs Monica and Gerald Lewis, Dr Mercola, Dr Bruce Lipton, Dr Al Sears and Dr Joe Vitale, to name a few.   As you'll see - these doctors are a wonderful mix of medical, alternative health and spiritual.

Much of it is my own experience and information I've gathered as I'm a voracious reader and question asker but I must acknowledge my own coaches and mentors.   I'm more than happy to direct you to certain books or personal doctors and Naturopaths right here in Brisbane who have helped me along my way as I have them to thank for a lot of new knowledge and improved health.

I am no doctor or specialist but I am over 50!   Saying that, I've battled my own weight issues, health issues, menopause issues, done my homework, worked hard and feel that considering how I felt 10 years ago - I know for sure in my 50s I'm heading toward being stronger, fitter, slimmer, healthier, more youthful, more successful, more dynamic and more focussed and a damn sight hotter than I was ten years ago too!!

And if you think I'm going to tell you I went on a strict diet or employed a young, ripped 'bootcamp' style trainer and spent hours in the gym, you can relax.    That's not what you'll hear.   I hate exercise and have always hated diets but I did have to develop a few new habits and I feel so much better for it.  So over this course of blog entries, that's what I'll share with you.   I'll give you the honest good, bad and ugly.

So join me in the 'get the belly fat off' journey as I share with you all that I've learned and hopefully along the way I can report a gradually decreasing waistline.   This series will be broken up into sections like:

  • What's belly fat, how does it build up and why is it dangerous
  • What won't get rid of it
  • Diet and nutrition secrets that are easy to do and NO you won't be doing 'on' a diet
  • Why diets don't work anyway
  • Hormonal issues that can send the belly fat skyward
  • Key essential vitamins and minerals that are crucial to eliminating the 'side effects' of belly fat
  • Why how we eat can save our life
  • Food habits and emotions
  • What to eat, when to eat and how do I fit it into a busy schedule?
  • Do you need the help of a guided program?
  • Exercises that you can do in your own loungeroom that will eliminate belly fat
  • Mixing it up and making it fun
  • Maintenance of that fabulous new waistline
  • How to dress the new body and choose your perfect wardrobe
  • Meditation - yes it can help get rid of belly fat
  • Don't give up - it's not all too hard!!
  • A few recipes you'll love
and anything else I think of that I feel you should know will be popped in.    And make sure you comment and give me feedback as to what else you'd like or need to know.    I'll source the answer and let you know.

So let's get on with it - it's going to be kept real.    Remember this isn't coming from the mouth of a doctor or specialist, it's from a woman who's been through it all and actually still going through it.   

Am planning a few workshops coming up so email me any time if you want to be invited.

Anne Noonan
Personal Style and Wellness Coach

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